The Tea Association of Malawi Limited (TAML) has been a significant player in the tea industry since its establishment in 1934. TAML was initially incorporated as Nyasaland Tea Association on 10th January 1936 and later renamed Tea Association (Central Africa) Limited.
The Association is the representative body of all tea producers, (including smallholder tea producers) in Malawi with a mandate of promoting the sustainability of Malawi tea.
The Tea Association of Malawi, advocates for a favorable operating environment for the tea industry in Malawi, and promotes the Malawi tea industry globally.
TAML maintains close ties with the Tea & Coffee Merchants Association of Malawi (TCMA), Tea brokers in managing the Limbe Tea Auction where tea is sold locally.
The Tea Association of Malawi, is affiliated with several international organisations, including:
United Kingdom Tea Council; Canada Tea Association; Malawi Confederation of Chamber, Commerce and Industry (MCCI); Employer Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM); FAO - Intergovernmental Group on Tea (IGG); Tea Association of USA.
TAML is recognized by the International Labour Organization.
The Association is governed by a nine members Board of Directors and board sub-committees which provide policy guidance. The Association is funded by its members through a Cess levied on tea production as provided by the Tea Cess (Imposition of Cess) Act.
The Cess, also funds research at the Tea Research Foundation of Central Africa (TRFCA). Funding towards tea reasearch, reflects the importance placed on research by the association and its members.
TAML is committed to increasing awareness of the tea industry in Malawi, both locally and internationally.
To promote and protect home and foreign trade, commerce and manufacture and in particular in connection with the Tea Industry carried on in Malawi by advertisement, propaganda or in any other way likely to benefit such Tea Industry.
To promote and protect in all parts of the world the interests of the Tea Planting Industry carried on in Malawi.
To promote or oppose legislative or other measures affecting such trade, commerce or manufacture and particularly to collect a cess to be levied on all tea produced in Malawi by members of the Association, the cess to be calculated on production figures to be rendered monthly to the Association by all members, provided such cess shall be used exclusively for the benefit of the Tea Industry in Malawi in such manner as the Association shall determine.
To collect and circulate statistics and other information relation to such trade, commerce and manufacture and then provide easy access to information in the Tea Industry.
To promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting the Tea Industry and generally to watch over and protect all persons engaged in the Tea Industry.
To act as arbitrator in the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial or other transactions among its members.

Tonda Chinangwa Chief Executive Officer

Flemmings Mwenibabu
Industrial Relations Secretary

Yona Mhango
Accounts Assistant

Stewart Kanyenda
Administration Clerk

Maria Dowa
Gender Equality Coordinator

Sunday Kadama

Grace Utonga
Personal Assistant

Yankho Meke
Office Assistant

Peter Wadi